If you’ve not yet explored the benefits of recruitment psychometric testing, what are you waiting for? Implementing recruitment psychology and psychometrics can massively improve recruitment and retention results – here’s how…
When recruiting for any role, not only do you need to ensure that the candidate has the right experience and skills, but you’ll also need confidence that they’ll exhibit the right behaviours to be a good fit for your organisation’s culture.
While each element of the traditional recruitment process is important, they can also have their limitations:
So, what else can you or your recruiter do to ensure a candidate’s suitability for your organisation?
Recruitment psychometric testing can be used to objectively assess a candidate’s intelligence levels, as well as their aptitude around numerical, verbal and logical skills – all of which can be appropriate for many specific, well-defined roles within an organisation.
As part of a more comprehensive recruitment psychology strategy, psychometric testing can be an even more important tool when recruiting for senior leadership roles, where behaviours – good and bad – will cascade throughout the organisation. Senior leaders in every organisation set the tone for their teams, and have a responsibility to display appropriate behaviours and values in-line with the organisation’s culture, philosophy and spirit. So for a successful placement, it’s pretty crucial to check they’re a good fit from this perspective.
Recruitment psychometric testing can be a huge asset in providing objective and measurable results around areas such as:
Which, in turn, help us to understand how well a candidate will, for example:
Using psychometric testing gives recruiters and organisations the ability to make informed decisions based on consistent and objective data. It also minimises the likelihood of any perceived unfairness in the process, as the tests are demonstrably non-discriminatory.
The benefits of psychometric testing for candidates
Placing the right people in the right roles is not just good for your organisation, but it’s also good for the individual by ensuring maximum job satisfaction, which in turn leads to higher performance. When it comes to more senior and leadership roles, the right candidate will also have a similar impact on the wider team too.
Candidates also benefit personally from the use of recruitment psychology and psychometric testing in other ways too, as it improves their own self-awareness and forces them to consider their own attitudes and work or leadership style.
In order for psychometric testing to be valuable, you’ll need to identify and understand the traits that you’re looking for in a candidate for the specific role in question. This can often have further unanticipated benefits, making you and your recruitment team analyse the role in great depth, often improving job descriptions and your understanding of what is actually required from the role.
Of course, recruitment psychometric testing is not a complete solution and should always be carried out as part of a broader recruitment process, with decisions being made based on multiple inputs. That’s where a tool such as Mayseven’s You&Me digital platform can really improve the quality of the recruitment process. You&me objectively analyses and measures the various inputs from each element of the process, provides reports on each candidate, and recommendations on who will be the best overall fit for the role and your organisation.
If you’d like to learn more about using psychology and psychometric testing for recruitment success, feel free to get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.